WoolyPooly News Digest #2
Hello there, this is our second News Digest. You can find the first one here.
Many times you expressed dissatisfaction about our pool’s frontend (how pool looks like, stats info etc) and your comments were more than appropriate. Each time we promised that in April we will stop all listings and spend all our time on front. Today is 27th April and we are proud to present the new face of WoolyPooly.com.
I specifically recorded a mobile website version video, b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶I̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶’̶t̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶r̶e̶c̶o̶r̶d̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶a̶ ̶P̶C̶ ̶s̶c̶r̶e̶e̶n̶ so that you can see how cool it is. Absolutely all information is available in a few clicks and everything works like a charm. Update is HUUUGE. What we’ve done:
1. Dark / night theme, many of you already use it by default. :)
2. This info has been added to each coin page:
- current effort
- blocks chart with information on luck, orphans and uncles for 64, 128, 256, 512 and 1024 blocks
- poolhash and nethash charts
- diff chart
- blocks per day chart
- block luck added to confirmed blocks chart in mobile version
- miner address who found the block (the first and last characters of wallet address)
- maturing slider in unconfirmed blocks chart
3. This info has been added to the miner statistics page:
- block effort and reward participating percentage
- unconfirmed balance is showed on a separate line, wallet icon “is filling with coins” as block matures
- income stat for 60 minutes, 12 hours, 24 hours, a week and a month
- miner hash chart
- mined blocks participation chart
- workers chart shows the effort and participation of each worker and which worker found the block
- rewards chart (shows your rewards from mined block)
4. Updated “Terms of Use” and “Privacy Policy” sections.
Besides of front, there are other equally important events. Namely:
- RVN pool is ready, fork will be 6th May 6 pm UTC. Kindly remind you that connection is already known
2. Added AE, RVN (with Kawpow) flying sheets to HiveOS. Updated flying sheet for Cortex (added SOLO port and Lolminer).
3. Updated, patched and improved back-end code.
4. WoolyLabs project has been established. Details are secret, however members of the WoolyPooly telegram group already seen some screenshots. :)Wooly becomes more than just a mining pool.
Not good news time — either we become noticeable or something else — but we faced new pool attacks more sophisticated than before. On 23th April, a miner who used only Tor browser and changed his ip each time attacked PPLNS Cortex pool with a bunch of incorrect solutions. Unfortunately, we did not immediately react on that but yesterday that guy was blocked and his balance reset.
Coincidence or not but last night a troll joined our Russian Discord channel. He wrote many bad things about pool in general and developers personally. We basically do not want to delete such messages so that everyone can make their own conclusions. Mine on Wooly or not — everyone decides for himself. We are not holding anyone here by force, but we are sincerely glad with everyone who mines on our pool and thereby contributes to the development of our Russian-Ukrainian-Belarusian (so happened that all project members live in different CIS countries) crypto project. :)
Wooly, what’s next? It’s hard to say, but full throttle and handbrake instead of brake. In May we list RVN and prepare for Veil. At the same time we do remember about Grin and it would be great to list it this summer. :)
Thank you for being with us!